Tuesday 26 November 2013

New stylist

Hello all well when I blogged last I was in the process of looking for a loctitian and out of the 3 I contacted one texted and another called and texted so naturally I went with her and she is lovely. She visited just last weekend washed retwisted and styled and I am generally happy. She is quite knowledgeable about products caring for my locs etc and I have made it clear I am really wanting to care for my own hair eventually. She is supportive and is happy to educate me. I am doing my part keeping my scalp clean and moisturising too. My hair stays in the style till the next retwist and it stays neat and in style.
I love my locs as I feel my hair is always done previously I would be taking days off to get my hair done it was such an operation and it had to be done that day as i could not go the next day with my hair out. I am happy with locs i'm always styled can get my hair done drop of a hat no preparation needed its the best thing. No needing to wear scarves to hide an unruly afro no I'm loving this tidy life. 

Saturday 9 November 2013

New Hands

I had a retwist service last month and it dawned on me how expensive my salon is. Don't get me wrong I'm not a skin flint but still every little thing cost a lot. I called a salon near me and i made enquries of the services i get at my salon they were cheaper and if you add more treatments they are generously discounted or even free. So any way i contacted 3 mobile services today and not one had the manners to reply back how dreadful ideally i would like to start doing my own hair and will start but I really have high standards I don't think my expertise is quite there but it will. I need a bit more length to make handling easier but maybe thats my excuse for now.